February 15, 2014

Valentine's Day--The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

I think most women have a love/hate relationship with Valentine's Day. At least I do, so I generalize my feelings to most woman :)

One of my first real Valentine's Day celebrations involved a plastic swan vase with a couple of baby roses. It was from my first real boyfriend and I thought it was fabulous. I found out later his mom picked it out (we were in Junior High so that made sense, but I never really forgave him). After that, most of High School was disappointing year after disappointing year.

My worst Valentine's Day was in my early twenties. I had dressed up and prepared a nice dinner for my boyfriend. I had a special gift for him...don't really remember what it was but was probably football related.
A great idea from Pinterest.
"Open When" cards. Check out

He scarfed down dinner to leave and play ball with a friend. He had a couple of $2 boxes of chocolate from Walmart--one for me and one for his sister. His sister got the one that said something about love on it. Mine said "To a Special Friend." I remember this vividly...

We lived together. We'd been together for 5 years. 5 Y.E.A.R.S.

Needless to say, I realized then and there that we were not going to be together for much longer.

This Valentine's Day my husband and I are apart, but he flies in tomorrow and I know just seeing him will be the gift.

Though some cute baby roses in a fun animal shaped vase would go a long way. Just saying.

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