Now I am fairly sure that my whole situation is a sick joke by the Family Practice Doctor that my son is assigned to (thank you Army). Like restaurant servers that spit in the food of the needy table 3 (she must have everything on her Cobb Salad on the side and the guy needs his root beer refilled 15 times without one thank you), I think my doctor ordered a bunch of tests that she knew would be a REAL pain in the ass.
So what happened is...
Little Bug has some wicked tummy issues. I am talking writhing-in-pain-up-all-night-screaming-high-pitched-enough-to-shatter-glass type of issues. I won't go into what his poop looks like, but let's leave it at...NOT NORMAL.
When explaining our problems to the doc she tried to push them aside, but I kept coming at her with other questions. Now I might have been just a teensie bit rude because I want my son to see a Pediatrician, not a doctor that is busy treating warts, high blood pressure, menopause, erectile dysfunction and everything else under the sun.
Finally, she sighed, and asked if I'd like her to order a fecal test.
A, as in ONE, fecal test for my son.
Yes, I said I would like that.
Oh and by the way...don't get any urine mixed in. HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
No, seriously...he is 4 months old...and poops AND pees in a diaper. No urine, huh. Hmmm. The lab tech acknowledged it would be a challenge.
So three days, a broken poop spatula, and an early morning drive to the hospital before coffee/breakfast/make-up/etc--I went from being annoyed at our doctor to haaaaating our doctor.
And I am pretty sure there is some urine in there.
Oh goodness gracious! This def warrants more details! Will phone you soon!